Monday 3 September 2012

Portnoo area - Ireland

When we arrived in Portnoo I knew I had to run here, even it was only for a short run. So on a lucky sunday morning I woke up really early at the same hour the sun was just starting to break the dark of the night and I could barely see the roads I had to run on. It was very cold still so I set of at good pace to become warm. After an uphill and a downhill I came along a part where the sea crushes loudly on the rocks far away while the low tide marks the landscape.

Shortly after on the left of the road a lake could be seen - this area has water in all forms and sizes - and here many birds are welcoming a new morning.

After about half an hour I enter a small village of scattered houses called Rosbeg and I drink some water from the bottle I carried with me and continue through the still very cold morning.
With every turn of the road the views change, from winding roads with bushes and small rock formations...

... to moorish fields with farm houses surrounded by trees...

... and lakes so quiet they perfectly mirror the landscape behind through the misty haze that hangs above the water...

... and sheep grazing the fields everywhere...

At some point near Kilclooney Beg the sun finally makes his appearance too and I slowly head back for Portnoo.

The sunlight is still red when I arrived at the beach painting red the clouds on the other side of the bay above Portnoo

and while still hiding behind some clouds created a beautiful play of light.

Soon a small dog came up to me and seemed to like jogging along. I first ran on the dry part with my running shoes still on , since I was not sure what the end of the beach would be like.

and it was good I did so, since on turning right at the end of the beach the sand changes into rocks covered with algea and waterplants that the low tide left uncovered. Along the edge there was a narrow path and soon the rocks change into dunes with waist high grass that is still wet with dewdrops.

After the dunes I enter a green of the local golf course and decide to turn back here. The sun was out and I wanted to see if I could wade to the island in the bay in front of Portnoo.

Knowing I probably would have to walk through the water anyway, after the rocky part I took off my shoes to run barefoot and with my dog companion still running with me we enjoy the cold sea water while the sun is starting to warm up the morning.
I wade to the island and back shortly afterwards, knowing the tide is coming in and not wanting to swim back.

When leaving the beach the dog wanders off and I put my running shoes on again to enjoy the last minutes of this great scenery. For those interested you can find a map of this run here.

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