Sunday 21 December 2014

Cursa de l'Hospitalet - 1k

While I am training for the marathon of Barcelona next March today another race for Jordi. This time only 1k, so almost a sprint.

It was a beautiful day, but also according the season the just started, a winter day, with wind and low temperature. We went early, dressed warmly and spent a while walking around in and near the athletics stadium. Just before 10 o'clock the kids huddled up near the start, jumping around to stay warm. It shows Jordi has experience with those events now. He no longer is nervous and always finds a place at the front row. His start was good. He was running with older kids today and quite a few of athletics clubs but he was in the front pack.

Before the start we talked about finishing, and today Jordi would try to finish hard. Ofcourse it helped he could go head to head with another kids while sprinting to the finish line in a very determined way.

One kilometer in 4m13s. Tired and satisfied! More next year.