Tuesday 15 May 2018

Running in progress

Last Saturday I went for a long run in the hills just north of Barcelona, el Parc de Collserola. Since we still have bad weather it was a rather foggy experience but enjoyable nonetheless. The good news is, that after many months of doing recovery excercises and running uncomfortably with "unwilling" glute muscles and a very tight and sensitive Biceps Femoralis (thigh, behind on the right ;D ) , I now slowly start to enjoy running again. I know I am not "there" yet, but after months of no signs of progress I now do feel somewhat better. Anyway, some pictures from rainy misty and snowy Barcelona (well ... snow in the Pyrenees, though we did have some earlier this year).

Near Observatori Fabra

The tree in the center of the Tibidabo central square

Highest point of most of my training routes, the entrance square in front of the church of the Tibidado

St. Medir

Viaducte de Can Ribes