During my first marathon in 2008 I suffered severe cramps in my quadriceps and hamstrings and this led me to investigate and learn more about how and what to eat and drink while running. Going beyond the marathon distance combined with the experience during the ultramarathons has expanded the need for knowing what is going on inside and how to satisfy the needs of the body in an endurance event.
A change in my approach is due to coming across an article about a seed called "Chia". Up till then I mainly looked into isotonic drinks, energy bars and gels and the overall electrolytic balance in order to be able to continue running. Chia led me to further investigate natural ways of feeding and hydrating and the following is mainly dedicated to my befindings in that area.
After several tries finally a succesful one. During the Marató de Montsec I used the following mix
20 grams of Chia with 200ml of water (leave it for about an hour)
50gr of Molasses (Black Strap)
50gr of Spelt Sirup
50gr of Oat Sirup
2 large dates cut in small pieces
I mixed the ingredients and took it with me in a Powerade Energy drink 500ml bottle. The next time I might add lemonjuice and some other dried fruit to play with the taste, but at least I could take this without causing stomach problems.