Sunday, 23 December 2012

Jordi - Cursa Viladecans 1k

And another race for Jordi, one week before it is dad's turn again. This time we had to leave Barcelona to Viladecans a town to the west. After an early trainride we walked to the start area and picked up Jordi's Bib Number. Jordi was nervous this morning untill he lined up for the start. There were quite a few young runners out this morning and Jordi managed to position himself more or less up front so he could start well. The pack stretched out quickly after they were shot away and they ran down the first straight to round the first roundabout.

After the first roundabout they headed back to a second roundabout and then crossed the startline again and sprinted for a last few hundred meters to the finish. Jordi finished in 3m03s and afterwards measuring the track it turned out to be some 750 meters, but still much faster than last week on this totally flat course. Well done Jordi!!!!

After the finish they lined up to receive their bag of goodies...


And a well deserved energy drink...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Runners!!
    Jo també vaig anar a Viladecans, llàstima que no ens vam veure. La sortida va ser horrible, moltíssima gent.
    Bona feina Jordi!
