Sunday 15 September 2024

Matagalls Montserrat 2024 - 84k

 My main goals with this resistance march were to get through it all without stomach issues and improve on last years result, if possible running a low 13h march. The fact that you can from one place to another really far apart means I had to park my car at the end location, Montserrat. Last year I had no problem finding a parking spot, but this year well before even getting to the entrance of the large parking there was a very slow moving queue so I decided to turn around and find a place to park which I did soon at Sant Benet, also nicely in the shade the my after run drinks would not get overly hot.

I could walk up to Montserrat and take the "Cremallera" down or see if there was a path down from here to the parking lot from where buses would take us to the starting area. I chose the second option, adding more exercise to the event, but apart from a few rocky sections the downhill was easy and soon I was on my chatting with another runner, Oscar, about Matagalls Montserrat and life in general. Once at the starting area I went to a little road I discovered last year where there was no noise and waited in silence untill about one hour before my start, eating and drinking and doing the last preparations.

At 16h05 is was my time and I quickly settled into an easy 6m/km pace all the way to Aiguafreda where I filled up my water bottles and removed some stones from my running shoes and in about a minute I was on my way again. In hindsight I guess I enjoyed this first easy part too much and should have taken it more easy, as well as the steep climb that comes after it. Since the first part of the whole route has a lot of runnable sections I did not take out my poles and powered my way up on leg strenght and once at the top right away started running again and ran slightly uphill parts as well. Soon after the 3rd climb I started to feel worse and worse and it would stay that way up to the half way Aid Station in Sant Llorenç Savall. I more or less managed to run the downhill leading into there, but I knew I was going slow. I drank some Coca Cola in the aid station, prepared for the night and got under way again. Last year it was hear I started to have serious stomach problems so I was very aware of how my stomach was feeling this year. I continued to run flat and downhill and hold back a bit in the uphills but at least I started to feel better and was moving again. Eventhough I trained this section last year most of the time had no clue where I was and how far it was untill the aid station in Matadepera. Eventually I got there in the same time as last year, but feeling better. I did not spend much time and soon was on my way again. The next section is uphill and after an easy trail going slighly up and down. The uphill was tough and felt slow, the more runnable section was quite ok and after a quick stop at the small aid station in Casa Nova del Obac we had a runnable section on asphalt up to some point where we turned on the trail going downhill. Here I feel mostly ok and make good progress and also the next uphill with sections of natural stone stairs like parts I go somewhat better than previous uphills. When running into Vacarisses I don't see any indication and someone sends me the wrong way, so I loose some time here. The stop here this year was rather short and the next part through the very long and stretched out village is mostly on asphalt and runnable. My running pace is only slightly faster than walking here, but I tried to at least run since it is somewhat more easy on the body than walking for me. After quite some time we leave the village with a short uphill and after a longer downhill with lots of jumps and loose stones. Soon we enter Monistrol de Montserrat, the village at the bottom of the last climb. Here I try to take another gel, but I nearly vomited when the gel entered my mouth, but was able to stop that. So I knew my stomach was at his limit now. After some winding through the streets of the village we start the real climb that consists of many half meter step-ups mixed with short sections of path. Slowly my stomach gets worse and my pace slows a bit, but I manage to keep moving up and after a bit more than an hour I reach the finish after 14h05m41. 

I tried some soup and at least that entered and rested a bit before starting the walk to where I parked the car. I did not really know how long I would take (I later checked and it is about 3km) and it took me quite a while, but eventually I made it to conclude the adventure.

Back to shorter races now and I will try and train for longer races next year.