Sunday, 16 October 2022

Trail Bisaura - 56k

 Today's race starts at 7h30 a.m. and in order to be there on time and pick up my bib number I had to wake up early, since the village, Sant Quirze de Besora, is just over an hour driving from Barcelona. Somewhere half way driving, somehow something in my low back shifted and without even having run one step I was already in pain, though I have ran before with the same issue, it is just less fun.

The mountains of the Besora area - foto by Jordi Costa

When arriving at the start area it is still dark. Somehow I forgot to pack my headlamp, but luckily the local trail running shop, Non Stop Sports, had opened very early, so after picking up my bib number and bringing back the runners bag that was full of goodies, I bought a cheap one, just in case my back would force me to slow down so much it would be dark again when running or walking the last kilometers. In the mountains it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Foto by Gil Ayats

Shortly before 7h30 we all enter the start box and then we are counted down and get under way acompanied by the noise of a chainsaw and firecrackers and the cheers of the people gathered near the start area. Soon we leave town and run slightly up and down on a wide path to the neighbouring town Montesquiu were we cross the river Ter and start running on a more narrow path. By then the group of runners is already spread out and the risk of bottlenecks is low. Soon we arrive at the first aid station and since it is not very warm I don't have to eat or refill bottles yet. I did want to stick to strictly taking salt and gels every hour unless that would coincide with stopping at an aid station. Running has been somewhat uncomfortable so far, but I feel I can manage the low back for the many hours ahead.

Aid station 1 - La Farga de Bebié - 7km

The next part is winding through a forest and then passes a last section near a highway before finally heading up to the mountains.

foto by Gil Ayats

The valley of the Baga de Sant Moi is a nice, gloomy and humid forest and eventhough I still cannot really find a good pace at least it is entertaining to run.

foto by Arnau Sidera

At the end of the valley we go up a steep hill and soon after arrive at the second aid station.

Aid station 2 - Bar Beví 11,5km

Shortly after the steep climbing continues up to Els Bufadors de Beví, a narrow passage in between rocks covered with moss, the perfect fairy tale area.

Els Bufadors - foto by Montse Casas

After a descent and a long climb I make it to Castell Llaés in about 2h30. I still have not really found any good pace yet and feel tired. I eat some bread and fruit, drink water and fill up my bottles and continue without spending too much time here.

Aid station 3 - Castell de Llaers 16,5km

The next section has some fun climbs up with ropes. We have to queue a little here, but not too long. Around 3 hours in I start feeling very low on energy. This is quite normal, though hard nonetheless, but I push through and try to not think about it and just continue. 

Climbing a steeper section - foto by Jordi Costa

foto by Jordi Costa

The next aid station at Bauma del Teixidor - 21km, I pass with only quickly drinking some water. Next up is another climb with some very steep and somewhat tricky sections. On the next photo's you can more or less see my weary face.

foto by Martí Miro

foto by Martí Miro

Then a more easy flat section follows and slowly my mood and energy is improving. Changing from climbing to running flat is hard on the back in the first minutes, but after that I can relax and move at a decent pace, not as fast as normal, but not too slow either. The climb up to the highest point of the race, Castell Milany (1550m), is only very steep at the very end where once again ropes are fixed and a somewhat longer queue has formed, so it takes quite some time to finally make it to the top. The views from there are amazing (see the video, link at the end), but I don't really stop and continue on to the aid station a few hundred meters below.

Aid station 5 - Castell de Milany 26

The next part is more or less downhill for many kilometers, sometimes going down very steep and tricky trails or even rappeling down using ropes. This part specially goes much slower than normal, but I try to focus on just running along even on slightly uphill parts. 

aid station 6 - El Pujol 30km

I arrived in Vidrà after about 6h50, already 50 minutes slower than I hoped for, but maybe 50 minutes wasn't all that bad. After all my main goal today, apart from finishing, was not arrive as the last runner as I did in the last mountain race and for now I certainly wasn't the last one out on the trails. I stop a bit longer here, eat some pasta, and drink more and ask the medical assistance for a painkiller. Since I am no longer feeling very tired I do not really need to take extra rest here, so after refilling bottle I am on my way again. First we continue to go more downhill and after we will take on a very steep uphill on a mountain ridge.

aid station 7 - Vidrà - 36 km

The downhill part is very beautiful and also, since it is a very sunny day, it is nice to run through a dense forest in the shade.

Salt del Molí

Then I start the uphill of Cresta de Canemars, really steep, with ropes at times, but climbing so far has been good, I have strength to keep pushing and even the tricky downhill sections on the ridge I can handle without issues This is a very slow section where my pace drops below 2km per hour at times. Finally I arrive at the Bellmunt aid station, take a quick moment of taking in the views and continue on a nice single track sloping downhill winding through the forest. It seems that the painkiller did ease my low back a little and I can run a bit better now.

aid station 8 - Bellmunt - 41km

At some point during this downhill we start hearing music. I suspect that is from the next aid station and from judging the distance, eventhough sound carries far in the mountains, the music must be quite loud. When we finally arrive there we are indeed greeted by a DJ behind a turntable with people dancing.

aid station 9 - Bosquetell - 44,5

a volunteer offered to make a picture - all smiles by now

Right out of the aid station we have a short climb and soon after a more or less flat section that at some point offers a nice view over the valley, with a singular mountain in the middle. I didn't know the area, and thought that looked "too far away", but it turns out that later we will climb it, shortly after the next aid station.

Castell Besora - in about an hour I will be climbing up there

I arrive in Santa Maria de Besora (50km) feeling quite ok. I chat a little with the people at the aid station and then walk out the village to start the last climb. We don't really see the castle that is on the top and continue onto a nice section with grey soil and funny shaped little hills. When arriving at the last aid station before the finish, El Revell (53km), the sun is already setting, I don't really stop here since there are only 3km left. It is all downhill from here, on a mostly wide path, but with many loose rocks and some steep sections. On this section 2 runners catch up with me, on the steeper sections they pass me and on the flatter sections I pass them. And then we enter Sant Quirze de Besora running down concrete stairs until hitting the river Ter again. After crossing the river more stairs and then, suprise surprise two enormous wooden logs to jump over before crossing the finish line. 

Mission accomplished!! I finished in 11h48m10s which I am very happy with after running with lower back pain the whole 56km. Far from last and feeling much better than after the last race.

A huge thanks to the organization and volunteers!! Finishing 259th and being recognized by several of you shows how much you cared, not just for me but for all runners!!

Since I knew this race had many steep sections with ropes or scrambling I designed and 3D printed a mouth mount for my GoPro. Someday I hope to get my hands on a newer version of GoPro since they now come with stabilized images. For now here goes another somewhat shaky video to give an impression of the race. Many times throughout the race I had the thought of "Oh my, I have to get out the GoPro again". The full experience can only be had by exploring the track itself, either some year in race form or in a less competitive hiking way. Truly recomendable!!!

Sunday, 18 September 2022

Cursa de la Mercè - 10k

 Back to racing. Once again a 10k to try out the legs and see how my left achilles tendon holds with some more serious effort. I have been doing eccentric loading of the tendon (Alfredson Protocol) and some less run training complementing with static bike training. The past week I changed back to one day rest after each training and today wanted to see where I am at. The goal was to go easy, and if possible finish in about 45 minutes, similar to the past 2 10k's.

Is was a nice, sunny sunday morning. The start was early, at 8h30, but to avoid running in warm conditions the was actually a good hour. End last week finally temperatures had dropped a little and this morning it was not too warm or humid, though after warming up it certainly was not cold either. I started really easy, trying to navigate safely in the criss-cross of runners since this is one of the more crowded races. I was suprised to see the first kilometer went in under 4m30 pace, since it felt slower, and the second kilometer which has a slight uphill was similar, after on the 5k marker it is flat and somewhat downhill and halfway I pass in 21m52. The next kilometer I struggled and went somewhat slower than 4m30 pace, but afterwards I could pick it up again and more or less maintain that pace. After about 8k I started feeling the tendon a bit so I just maintained pace without sprinting in the end and finished in 44m38 which I am very happy with. Next race will be back to the mountains again!!

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Cursa DIR Diagonal - 10k

 After about a week of a mild summer cold and thus not really the best preparation today another 10k. The start was a bit further up Diagonal than the previous 10k over a month ago but also we would leave it earlier to only turn back onto it for the last few kilometers.

This time too I ran down to the start area as part of my warm up. This time no injuries or other reasons to hold back but also knowing that my lungs and condition would likely be to up to full capacity yet.

At 8h30 we were counted down for the start and I tried to quickly settle into a good pace. The good thing of the Diagonal is that it is very wide so almost immediately you have room to run. After a first kilometer in 4m06 and a second in 4m00 I guessed I probably went out to fast, but without much pace training lately that is understandable. Up to 5k in 21m20 I was feeling ok, but from there on I could no longer sustain pace below 4m30 and finished seconds over the 45m barrier in 45m06. Still quite ok considering having had the health issues. From here on it is back to mountain training for the next Trail Race probably in October.

Sunday, 15 May 2022

La Directa Tibidabo - 5k

 Eventhough I have not completely recovered yet from the marathon 2 weeks ago, running a short race that passes through the street where we live and is much like the route I do for mountain training almost every weekend was ofcourse something I couldn't resist. I knew that I would likely start well and struggle near the end since the climb as soon as it hits the trails is steep up, but doing such a short race from time to time is great fun. I had some lower back pain during the past week and eventhough I have done some run training I was not sure how I would feel this morning and went out early to do a long warmup and test some higher pace accelerations before huddling up in the start area. 

I knew that it would be good to go out hard to have some space when we hit the trails, so I line up up front and at 9am we start at the beginning of the street where we live and in minutes I pass and greet Montse who was standing nearby our door. 

The first kilometer I run in 4m18 and the second with already more climbing but still in the city in 5m00. During the 3rd kilometer we leave the city and enter Collserola and start the steep climb to the top of the Tibidabo over a track I know very well, since most of my training is done there. Since I had been running on the edge of my aerobic capacity from the very start maintaining run pace uphill soon becomes impossible and I powerhike the steep parts. The very last part near the top I was still ok, but breathing heavily. When reaching the small square at the top I sprint the last meters and finish in 34m37s. in a 26th place which I am very happy with. I might do some 10k in the coming weeks. As always many thanks to the organization and very likely until next year!!

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Trail Vall de Ribes Marató - 42k - 3400D+

 After not finishing my last Ultra, in part because of still recovering from injury, my plan was to not go back to Ultra distances until I felt comfortable finishing a mountain marathon. Today, saturday 30th of April, was a first good test. Having 3400D+ on only 42k means it will likely be very steep quite often.

Go here for the race video

I arrived in Ribes de Freser on friday afternoon. The initial idea was to spend the whole weekend here, with my wife, but the weather forecast was bad, so we changed plans and she would come on saturday with one of her brothers and parents. After installing myself in my room in Hotel Catalunya I went for my bibnumber and T-shirt. The rest of the evening I spent preparing the backpack and race gear so getting up was going to be quick and easy. I woke up at 5h30 to have breakfast and after I rested until 7 o'clock when it was time to leave the hotel, leave the luggage in the car and start to warm easily.

The highest point of the race, Mount Taga, well visible in the distance

the start area, that would only fill quicly with runners some 20 minutes before the start

It was not as cold as I expected and it was a morning with mostly clear skies. At 8am we were counted down for the start and with Thunderstruck by AC/DC getting the adrenaline going we first did a 1k in the town before starting what directly was a rather steep climb. I had decided to do the first part without poles since after the first climb there would be a very runnable section. 

somewhere on the first uphill

Up to the first aid station is was only 4k and we get there rather quickly, for me without the need to take anything. 

The first aid station "Conivella" after only 4km

running along, still fresh here

Afterwards we run mostly down the at times across mountain fields where not always there is a clear path untill come close to a small town called Bruguera. From there we have a few steep climbs with runnable sections up to the next aid station at Saltor around 12k. Just before this I already unstrapped my poles since the climb afterwards was going to be rather steep. I arrived here in just under 2 hours, already slower than I thought would be possible, but going faster would only mean going much slower in the second half of the race. 

The second aid station "Saltor" after 12km

The first part of the climb is not too steep and at parts even runnable, but the steep part is really steep. I about 40 minutes I reach the summit of Mount Amand (1851m) and a long downhill starts. Upto the next aid station at la Tuta I am doing ok, but the next part downhill is even steeper and I start to have cramps in just about all my upper leg muscles. 

The third aid station "La Tuta" at 16,2km

I try to maintain pace and hope they will fade away. The bottom of the valley is very beautiful with a small creek we have to cross several times. My muscles are still hurting a bit, but I can move, and slowly we make it to the next aid station in a village called Ogassa at 23,6k. My time there is 4h11 and I know that making it to the finish on time is not going to be easy. After a quick break to refill, send a message to my family and eat a bit and drink some soupe I am on my way again. 

The fourth aid station in a small village called Ogassa after 23,6km

The break inmediately had blocked my muscles again, and I cannot even run the first kilometer. Once out of town the path is muddy and slippery and has some short very steep climbs up and on one of those my inner thigh muscles completely cramp up and I decide to sit down and try to relax them. After a couple of minutes I decide to give it a try and if I have more severe cramps it would be better to call it a day there, but luckily the cramps and pain slowly fade away and I can move at decent pace. From time to time it is raining a bit now so I put on my raincoat. At some point we reach an intermediate summit on our way to Coll del Pal. Here at least I can see there is people near me up front and later I also can look back to the same point to see there is at least 2 runners behind me. In the next long climb of 1000m uphill they slowly catch up with me and together we reach the aid station at Coll del Pal after 6h17m. Visibility is very poor here due to mist and finding the next flag or ribbon indicating the route is not easy. We have 2 more climbs and a long downhill to go to the finishline.

The fifth aid station at Coll del Pal after 30,4km

The first climb is the typical never ending one, pretty steep with many points where you seem to reach the summit, but when getting there see you can go higher. Finally we reach Puig Estela (2011m). The mist is very dense, soon after I even turned back to make sure I was going in the right direction, since the next route indicator was just too far away. After an easy part of downhill a typical crest part starts which is basically jumping from rock to rock or in between rocks if that makes for a more safe landing. After a more easy runnable part starts all the way up to the start of the climb of last mountain. This is only some 200 meters up, but without visibility it was much a matter of head down and keep on pushing untill we finally reach the cross at the Taga summit (2040m). After having someone take a picture of me at the summit I start the downhill. 

The highest point of the race, Mount Taga (2040m)

My muscles are still somewhat painfull and also my toes touch the front of my running shoes at times which is not very pleasant, but I keep running. I pass the last aid station without stopping and enter the last part of the course we already did in the beginning, winding through the forest on a narrow steep and slippery trail. I fell down twice here, but without consequences. Just before reaching Ribes de Freser runners from the organization that go with the last runner on the course catch up with me. We have some laughs and after a few more turns, now on more easy terrain I enter the village. Montse is waiting for me on the last stretch and soon after I cross the finish being the last runner, but still just as happy.

Many thanks to the organization and all volunteers. Many thanks to my family for supporting. Since my goal was getting my fitness to a level where I can "comfortably" run a mountain marathon I will repeat a similar distance after summer and work on strength in my legs and doing some longer training runs leading up to that race.

Sunday, 24 April 2022

Cursa el Corte Inglés - 10k

 After a week of rest and massage to try and fix a muscle in the groin area I wasn't very sure about running a 10k today, but on the other hand I thought that doing one might also give me an idea of what I could expect for the longer mountain race next week. So after a very cold and rainy Saturday, both Jordi and I jogged down to the starting area in front of "el Corte Inglés" en Diagonal. The weather this Sunday was much better, somewhat windy and certainly not warm, but at least no rain. Due to Covid they decided to change the route so the start would have more space for all runners. The new route looked to be very fast even though I was going to go at easy pace. Jordi did want to go for sub 45 minutes. After an easy warmup we split up when entering our starting boxes, since Jordi did not have an official time below 50 minutes yet and they wouldn't allow me in his box for some reason. 

At 9 am we started to run and very soon Jordi passed me. Not easy to start slow for me, but I definitely wanted to finish without stressing the pectineus muscle that somehow got irritated and somewhat inflamed a bit over a week ago. The first 2k I was just above 45m pace in 9m10 and after I slowly gained on that schedule without much effort passing 5k around 21m45. From there on I was holding back and just maintain a decent pace until the finish line. I was more than happy to finish under 45 minutes without any issues. So now it was just a matter of some easy runs and stretching and foam rolling muscles preparing for the next race.

Jordi was also very happy breaking 42 minutes. With more specific training sub 40m is possible for him, but that will probably be in autumn.

Monday, 11 April 2022

2022 Training

 I never really completed the post on the half marathon of Collserola. I started that race with inflammation in the insertion of the hamstrings and though I was able to finish, after the race it got worse and I took some weeks of to heal. During Christmas other things had priority and it was not until the end of January I started running and doing weight training again in a serious way.

The insertion issue was still not fully healed but with specific training for that I managed to both run and have it heal back to normal slowly. Something similar happened with the Pes Anserine, where 3 muscles attach just below the knee. And my right heel, where I had the acute bursitis last year is still not 100%, but I can run and I can accept the extra care it all needs to get ready for the next training each time. I had tried fully stopping, but there was no better healing at that time so I prefer to get out and get in shape and enjoy nature.

My staple run is going up and down the highest hill near home, the Tibidabo of just over 500m. It has a pretty steep single track trail up that mimics training in higher mountains quite well.

Weather has not been always perfect and actually a bit crazy this year.

For work I travel to Bilbao often and my staple run there is climbing the Pagasarri. Above picture is during the days sahara sand dust was blown even up to here in the north of Spain, creating a strange light by the dimming effect and shielding the sunlight.

First week of April temperatures went severely down and in many places snow fell. Though it is a longer run when seeing snow from the Pagasarri, I decided to continue to the Ganekogorta summit. At the top it was rather cold and the snow was still hard, most of all the downhill was a very slippery, wet and muddy experience, but all in all that went quite ok.

Only days after that in Barcelona the temperature was completely the opposite and we are expecting more ups and downs like this during april. The last weekend of april, if all goes well I will run the Vall de Ribes Trail Marathon. After the Ultrapirineu, I decided I first wanted to get ready for just the marathon distance and not do the next ultra untill I can finish one in a decent way. This marathon has a lot of climbing (3400mD+) so just finishing in the given 8h30 would be great