Saturday, 19 September 2020

Cursa de la Mercè 2020 - 10k

 Time to race again!!! Before all a huge "Thank you" to the organization!!! To make running a 10k possible complying all the COVID measures seems simple when it is rolled out smoothly like this morning, but getting there has taken a lot of thinking and planning. Also thanks to Montse for picking up my bib number two days before, and she also told me that, in spite of never having done that before, the organization was very very clear on all the steps and it was easy for her to do so.

Since it was not "yet another 10k", but the first under these new circumstances I went down to the start area early, actually just in time to see the start of the first group of about 300 runners at 8:00am.

Directly afterwards I started my warmup. The start location for years has been in the Mont Juic area, but this year to maximize space and avoid crowds they moved it to the El Forum area where there is lots of space and very few people on an early Saturday morning. Around 8:30 we were called into the start area grouped by numbers and lined up in rows of six with a 2 meter space between each of us.

At that time most runners of the first group were already finishing or on the last stretch. At 8:45 the first 6 runners started there run and every 5 seconds 6 more runners stepped up to the starting line and started there 2 lap 10k run. I think I was on the 4th or 5th row so very soon it was my turn. I put my facemask away when I already had started running and then quickly settled into a comfortable pace. No pushing around this time and also the course was along very wide roads so at all moments we could maintain distance to other runners. The first 2 k I maybe went too fast in 4m20 and 4m15, but I was going at what felt as an easy pace so I only dropped pace a little bit to around 4m30 and basically could maintain that until the finish line. Just before the 5k mark we passed the start area again, and the speaker called each runner out by name to cheer us on. Upto the 7k mark I was going easy and then slowly started to feel somewhat tired and breathing more heavily. It was very humid this morning so surely that also made it harder to get oxigen in. Also from 7k to 8k the road goes slightly uphill. Soon we pass the 9k mark and I pick up pace just a little bit, though without really sprinting and finish in 44:35 on the athletics track of sport centre Marbella. At the finish line we were handed new face masks and got our hands sprayed with some cleaning lotion. They had set up a water station with volunteers opening the taps for us while we filled our cups with water. Very smooth, everything, so once again, thanks to all to make it happen.

Training in the Pyrenees

 In August and September this summer we visited the Pyrenees a few times and I did several long runs on my own and hikes with the family. This post is not so much a detailed race description but more a general impression of where I have been on those trips.



Llacs de Meranges

Ermita de Bell-lloc

Monday, 24 August 2020

Dromedary Race - 35k

Running in COVID-19 times. I started this year with a small tear in my calf muscle of the right leg. Just about when I was able to do some running again in the beginning of March lockdown changed all my training plans and race plans. I guess three factors were very important for me to continue training hard.

First of all having someone who schedules your training plan. For years now, I work with Dani at Tecnirunner, and as all other people, I was amazed at the smoothless and profesional change from training outdoors to training a 100% indoors. 

Second, I was lucky to have equipment at home, lots of different weights, more than I can lift now, and elastic bands, a hanging bar, a static bike, etc, so it was easy to train hard at home as well. 

And third, over the past years, I am contact with a lot of other runners, including other runners that work with Tecnirunner, but also through several groups on Facebook. Sharing information, ideas and maintaining our spirits high was easy. 

So after a short run in Getxo on the 12th of March it was not until the 2nd of May that we could run outdoors again, which I celebrated with running up to the Tibidabo, the highest hill just outside Barcelona. In those first days after the easing of lockdown it was best go running very very early. Since running hours were restricted from 7-10 and 20-23 and many many people were longing to get outside, there was a huge difference between 7 o'clock or 8 o'clock. After getting through the initial training sessions with the expected soreness slowly we pick up pace and distance again. 

When lockdown is finally over Tecnirunner announces they will organize a Virtual Race for all the people that train with them. They have us choose between an urban 10k, a mountain 10k, a mountain 21k or a mountain 35k, each with D+ requirements, but totally free in where you want to run the choosen distance. Beginning of July one specific training had upset my legs quite a bit, so I was not 100% sure I could do the run, but ofcourse I was aiming for the longest distance and soon found a very nice circular route that exactly fit the requirements. So my Dromedary Race on the 2nd of august was run in the Montseny area. The week before I finally started to feel ready for the adventure. It was very warm, hence the "dromedary", so one aspect of this long selfsufficient run was bringing enough water and food for 5 hours. With normal races the route is properly marked but no so this time, so I went over the course time and time again to memorize it as much as I could, still bearing in mind that the real terrain might be very different and I also brought some detailed printouts. Originally the idea was to all start at 8:00 a.m., but because of the heat starting earlier was ok too. I wanted to start at 7 a.m., but it took me somewhat longer to take a starting picture and prepare my backpack, so around 7:20 a.m. I finally push the start button and get underway from a parking lot on the edge of a small town called Aiguafreda. The first part is a long and winding path up that goes up quite steep but is just runnable mostly. I find my way without problems and in less than one hour I reach the top of the Tagamament (1059m). The downhill on the otherside was complete chaos. There was no clear path so I just go down and when I finally reach a bigger path try to find my orientation again, after running a few meters in the wrong direction I understand where I am and turn around and soon I am back on the planned path and picking up pace. The climb to the highest point around 1270m of today is very slow, so I can run at a very decent pace. Eventhough it is still early morning, the sun is out with force already, so it is time to cover my head. This area is called "Pla de la Calma", the plains of peace, and running here is very nice. The path is very easy and wide and there is not many people at this hour. Even near a very well known place that has a small bar, Coll Formic it is not very crowded yet. I reach this point in just over 2 hours. I take of my backpack for a second to change waterbottles and get some food out, and then get underway again, after all the idea is to race today. After some hesitation if I am on the right path and checking my maps I slowly pick up pace when I see that I go in the right direction. Shortly after though the path narrows a lot and I have to walk a lot to avoid being scratched by dense bushes with thorns. After some time the path gets better, but I start to feel more tired now. It is very warm, and my condition was surely not as good as a year ago just before the UTMB. After a short while running on asphalt I take a left turn steep down onto the path back to the starting point. It was still 10k from there and eventhough it was rather flat and at times with shade slowly my pace is dropping and I am really happy to complete the 35k (1060m D+) in 4h21m16s. All in all a great run, and very thankfull to Tecnirunner to organize the event.

In Aïguafreda, just before my start
The top of Tagamanent (1059m)
The Tagamanent looking back from Pla de la Calma
Collformic, more or less half way.
Back in Aïguafreda, happy and tired.

Over the coming days I will edit a short video.