Sunday, 7 April 2019

Cursa del Corte Inglés - 10k

Today it was time for the traditional family run, la Cursa del Corte Inglés. Jordi did not at all train for this distance, but regular soccer training and school sports do give him a basic condition. This year it was cold but very sunny, much better than last year when we had rain during the whole race. We arrived nicely on time at the starting area and since we jogged the last part were warm enough to take off the extra sweater.

After making selfies it is almost 9 o'clock and soon we are shot away for a bit more than 10k of running.

In spite of telling Jordi to start easy the first kilometer we ran near 4m/k pace and the second in 4m20 and the 3k still around that pace. From there on the road starts to climb and we slow down.

 Montjuic area with the Magic Fountain and MNAC

At the highest point of the first climb Jordi is out of gas already, though the pace is still quite ok around 5m/k. So we take it easy and continue on to the second more steeper climb that will take us to the entrance of the Olympic Stadium.

Inside I sprint ahead to make pictures and send a message to Montse to tell here we will arrive earlier than expected. Though tired Jordi hangs in there and we start the long and winding downhill back to the city center. Soon we pass the 10k mark just under 53 minutes and then turn onto the last straight. Jordi said he wanted to just roll along and meanwhile I searched for Montse in the crowd. All of a sudden Jordi starts a final sprint, and though tired, his pure sprint speed is higher than mine and he finishes 3 seconds ahead of me in 57m30s.

The sprint in the end took Montse by surprise as well, so Jordi allready "ran out" of the picture.