Running in the rain!!! But running!!! Since easter holidays an injury is nagging me and it has not fully cured yet, but it seems I am on my way. Physiotherapy is finally untying all the nods it seems and eventhough walking is still awkward, running is starting to feel like a more natural fluid movement again. Ofcourse all this time of no training, basically since the marathon in March, so some two months now, have a disastrous effect on my performance and I am out of shape.
So on an early sunday morning I went at it again. Already when running to the start area from home it was raining and it didn't look to stop doing so soon. After some 20 minutes I arrived at one end of the Diagonal and was lucky to find and open toilet quickly. After I went straight to me box and waited in the drizzle for being shot away. At 8h30 I started the wettest race ever. The first kilometer I was uncomfortable but then I started to feel at least some more smoothness in my running gait. The race it self is maybe one of the best for my condition. It is basically going down the whole Diagonal and only near Plaça de les Glories there was some going up and down before we entered the last part of Diagonal again. Compared to the marathon state of health I was going slow, but at least I was running again and finished in 44m33s. Probably the slowest 10k ever and it was still raining in steady fashion. Hopefully things go better soon, so I can go back to the mountains.