Sunday, 12 April 2015

Cursa del Corte Inglés - 10k

Time to run again!! After recovering from the marathon and still struggling with some small aches that I somehow picked up in the weeks after, today it was a family outing in the most attended popular run in Barcelona, La Cursa del Corte Inglés, which is free and is a tradition for many many people. And since we all went with a yellow chip for the timing I can already proudly post the following image:

 We ran in pairs, Jordi with me and Emma with a friend and eventhough the weatherforecast said cloudy in the end it was rather warm, which on this course with two climbs in it makes running quite a different experience. 

We arrived nicely on time at the start area and did a little warmup while waiting for the start at 9h30. It took a while to get moving since we were not upfront, but at least there was no pushing and we could start our slalom through the masses without any problem. Untill the 4th kilometer we were continously avoiding people that walked, in this massive popular run many people do not start at the startline but at some point further ahead in the course, in spite of the efforts of the organization to avoid this people continue doing so. During the first climb this is quickly sorted out and on top we have the first water-station where we take 2 bottles each, since it was really warm. We are running just above 5m30 per k pace, quite fast, and in the next more steeper climb just before entering the Olympic Stadium we slow down. Jordi is tired of the 2 climbs so we take it easy. I sprint ahead to make som pictures here.

At the second aid-station once again we take a lot of water on board and then start the long downhill back to the city centre. Jordi tells me he his right shoe is shaving on his big toe, but he does not want to slow down too much. We pass the 10k marker under the hour in 57m27!!! And from there we just roll on to the finish, we knew for quite a while that doing the whole race under an hour was not possible today, so we took it easy. Montse was waiting for us near Plaça Catalunya and made pictures from us.

Emma had started later and took it more easy. She did not have her day she said and took it easy.

Jordi afterwards is really happy with how he ran but is also tired and while have sore muscles tomorrow. Back to training, slowly gearing up for the mountain season.