Sunday, 19 January 2014

Cursa de Sant Antoni - 1 mile

What should have been an attempt to once again break the 37 minute barrier turned out to be another lesson in how delicate it is to keep a balance.

The bottom line is that I am injured, pulled hamstring, and I am really hoping I can get back out there training soon, but also know that I have to have patience in order to not pull it again.

Meanwhile Jordi ran a one miler, with a friend from school and did pretty well. We have no official times yet, but counting on the video we shot they entered in the top 30 and not too far behind the first runners.

Jordi entered 26th in 7:04 (4:24 avg/k) and his friend Dima just behind him in 7:09.

The day started with rain and when we left home it was still raining, but looking at the sky it seemed that soon it would stop at least for a good while so we took the subway that took us close to the race area and walked the last part where we met Jordi's friend Dima and his parents and sister. By then it stopped raining indeed and the last runners of the 10k race were arriving. Jordi and Dima would start in the second group, so first around 11am we watched a group of somewhat younger children start at their 1-mile race. As soon as they left Jordi and Dima did some warmup exercises, but were actually to excited to do it in a concentrated way.

Some ten minutes later it was their turn and they entered the start area and both found positions in the front line. They were shot away and like always blasted through the first hundred meters like they had to do just that, run a 100, but there were still 1500m to go...

Less then 6 minutes later the first runner arrived and soon after Jordi and seconds behind him Dima arrived as well, Jordi with determination on his face pushing hard for the finish line.

For Dima it was the first time he ran this long and he arrived very tired, having run very very fast on the first few hundred meters. Experience will help him improve in the future.

After the finish they recieved a bag full of small presents and soon recovered from the run and ready for the rest of the day. Next up is the half marathon of Barcelona. I hope I recover well from my injury and will be able to run a 21k in good fashion.

For moving images you can go here.