Sunday, 21 December 2014

Cursa de l'Hospitalet - 1k

While I am training for the marathon of Barcelona next March today another race for Jordi. This time only 1k, so almost a sprint.

It was a beautiful day, but also according the season the just started, a winter day, with wind and low temperature. We went early, dressed warmly and spent a while walking around in and near the athletics stadium. Just before 10 o'clock the kids huddled up near the start, jumping around to stay warm. It shows Jordi has experience with those events now. He no longer is nervous and always finds a place at the front row. His start was good. He was running with older kids today and quite a few of athletics clubs but he was in the front pack.

Before the start we talked about finishing, and today Jordi would try to finish hard. Ofcourse it helped he could go head to head with another kids while sprinting to the finish line in a very determined way.

One kilometer in 4m13s. Tired and satisfied! More next year.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Cursa de Sants

Today in between heavy rain showers it was Jordi's turn again, this time to run a mile on a more flat course than last week.We had to wake up early and after checking the weather we decided to prepare for leaving home and hoping for the rain showers to wait until after the race.

After some confusion with Jordi's electronic chip and after seeing the little kids run it was Jordi's time. This time it was a much wider age all mixed in the same group, but not so many children as last week. Jordi started more easy than last week and then disappeared out of sight. After some 5 minutes the front runners come up the before final stretch and about a minute later Jordi passed, looking good and in control of what he was doing.

He finished in just over seven minutes, 7m07, and afterwards said is was the best race he had run because he always felt in control of what he was doing. He finished 22nd which is quite ok keeping in mind he hardly ever trains running.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Cursa de Jean Bouin - 10k

Without much preparation a 10k today. After having been ill and just having less time and energy for training todays run was more a getting back into short race mode day than anything else. Yesterday I went for a jog in the mountains with my daughter and also had some support muscle of the ribs cramped so all in all I did not expect anything special for today.

The start was slow and chaotic. It was not until the 1k marker before we spread out enough to pick up a more steady pace without having to watch out for people crossing in front or behind. From the last 1k series training I knew I had to go out slow, so 3m50 pace was quite ok. I was more or less able to keep that up to the 5k marker, but after I had to slow down to 4m per kilometer and from 7 kilometers onwards I was just tired and also the last 2.5k are considerable uphill and I finished in 40m24s.

I quickly rushed home, because a few hours later Jordi would also run here for a shorter race over 1450m. So after a shower and some rest I once again went to the Montjuic area, this time with Jordi. We first watch another race and then went to the start area. Just before the race of Jordi's age group there was a race for wheelchairs, that went around several times. Somehow the group of young runners got mixed up in the waiting and set of to run without any start signal and the people of the organization were not able to stop the stampede until well after the first turn. The kids walked back and waited untill the wheelchair race finished and then lined up for their race.

Jordi had a good start in spite of the big group of boys, 334 in total today!! After the first turn the road went up considerably and meanwhile I headed for the finishline, hoping to make some more pictures and cheer Jordi on for the last meters. The first runners came home in 4m50, that is 3m20 per kilometer pace!!! I would have to sprint hard for that!!! Jordi gave it all he had and finished nicely in just over six minutes, but without having stitches or other aches so we went home happy together.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Ultra Trail Serra de Montsant - 100k

Like next year I was some points short for qualifying for the Ultra Trail Mont Blanc and the best way to gain them was repeating the Ultra Trail Serra de Montsant.

For several reasons I hardly trained after the last race, so I knew I just had to just hang in there and make the best of it. After the early morning trip from Barcelona to Cornudella de Montsant I picked up my bib number and went back to the car to rest a while. I entered the start area a bit later than normal and soon we counted down to the start and were shot away with a traditional firecracker around 9h05 am.

I started even more easy than the last races and accepted the cues for the first short 10 meter climbs that came with it. We all knew it was going to be a very warm day more like summer than autumn and hydration was going to be a key factor throughout the day.Untill the second control in Ulldemolins I went only a bit slower than last year and even the long and, at least for me, hard part through the valley to Margalef I arrived only some 15 minutes later than last year and still in rather good shape. To the next control went by rather quickly but after La Bisbal de Falset the route had been changed and it was longer, at some points more technical and at other parts way more steeper than last year. Also more beautiful regarding scenery and overall experience!!! I arrived at the bigger aidstation and control in Cabacés more than one hour later then last year, so any dreams of improving that time I let go there. I took my time to recover and eat and drink and half an hour later was on my way again, with the night slowly falling in. When I arrived at the next control in La Figuera it was already completely dark and shortly after I teamed up with Victor to start the long and technical downhill to Vilella Baixa. Last year I had severe stomach problems here, but this year I was feeling ok. We rested I short while and continued to Vilella Alta and then Escaldei where we took a much longer rest to prepare for the last long and at some points very steep climb. During the climb I was feeling ok and Victor had to take short breaks from time to time. Once at the top a long and very gradually climb on very irregular terrain started and here I started to be really tired and Victor was leading from there on to the finish. Just before the finish he left to meet friends that had been waiting for him while I continued to walk the last meters to finish in 21h03m04s. The goal of the day was accomplished and today, Monday, I already can run again, so all in all I managed my effort, nutrition and hydration quite well. This week a recovery week and then it is back to 10k training.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Cursa de la Mercè - 10k

The days after the Matagalls-Montserrat I had a swollen right foot, probably because of tieing my shoelaces too tight. So I did not do any running on monday and tuesday and did some very easy running on wednesday and thursday. On those two runs I ran best running of my forefoot in reactive style and apart from other sore spots had my glutes complaining, so this morning I was curious to see how running a 10k would go.

I arrived nicely on time and warmed up for a long time and the sensations were not bad at all. With about 15 minutes to go I went to my starting box and waited for the countdown for the start. I started relatively slow and the first 2k went by in 7m40. Up to the 5k I could more or less run 3m55 per kilometer but the 6th kilometer was hard and I went up to 4m15. Then I found more rhythm again and I passed 8k just above 32 minutes, so under 40 minutes would be hard with the slight but very noticable uphill of the Paralel still to come. The 9th kilometer I did in exactly 4 minutes, but eventhough I pushed hard and even sprinted a bit in the end I finished just above 40 minutes. Still very happy with that. During the race my left leg and glute was not comfortable and relaxed and in general I was still a bit tired from the long effort of last weekend so this was an excellent time.

Back to the mountains again, and more 10k in november.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Matagalls - Montserrat 85,5k

In 2008 and 2009 this resistance march was my first experience with mountain running. This year it was time to repeat this emblematic event, where some 3000 people sign up for every year, running their 35th anniversary.

For several reasons I did little to none mountain and endurance training since the Emmona so I was curious to see how I would hold out, also pressed to finish to gather 2 more points for the UTMB qualification.

Just after one o'clock in the afternoon we lined up for the coaches that would takes us to the starting point a Coll Formic in the Montseny area.

Soon I was inside and waving goodbye to my dearest supporters.

After an hour and a half we arrived at Coll Formic and I did the regular race preparations while waiting for my time to get underway.

The actual Coll Formic is the pass just above the "Coca Cola Can". When we approach four o`clock it becomes really busy here with 3000 people gathered in this area.

Just before four o´clock the "veterans" are allowed to start and in batches of 30 for 16:00 onward every minute the rest of us is starting. After a relatively short wait the race clock marks 16:12 and off we go!!!

The first part is rather easy, it does go up and down a bit, but it is very runnable, what also allows me to pass most of the people who walk and started before me. Soon me and other runners were out of the pack with space to find a good pace. At some point we can see the Montserrat mountains in the distance, still very far away.

Way too early I arrived at the first checkpoint. As always I started too fast, eventhough I felt like I was going at moderate pace. This is something I will have to train for, to learn and feel what real moderate pace is when you are still fresh.

The first long downhill no longer involved a really steep and tricky part and was just a long rather steep wide path going down to the aidstation in Aïguafreda. At moments the views are spectacular.

In Aïguafreda I took my time to drink and eat, but I should have taken more liquids there.

Soon after leaving the village we go up in the very typical clifflike landscape of this area.

In the uphill another runner who advanced me on the long downhill before comes up from behind and for a while we run and walk along together. Soon we pass Checkpoint 2 and continue a rather easy part with some climbs in it onto Checkpoint 3.

Soon after my fellow runner with nickname "Tete" leaves me behind on the downhill again, with the idea of meeting up at the next aidstation and team up again from there on. I ran out of liquids in the climb to this aidstation and was not feeling very well when I finally arrived there. No sign of Tete. I drink and eat a lot here and also fill up both bottles and my backpack to avoid "going empty" again. Just when I was about to leave Tete comes into the aidstation. He lost his way. I told him I was not feeling very well and that for me it was best to continue at slow pace to see if I recovered, very much expecting him to catch up very soon.

The first few hundred meters I walked and then I tried to run at really slow pace to see if I could at least hold that and so between walking the steeper parts and slowly running the more flat the night set in and I stopped to take my headlamp out of my backpack. By the time I reached Checkpoint 4 at Coll de Matafaluga it was dark and the picture of the volunteers is more for completeness and not so much for quality.

The long downhill to the aidstation in St. Llorenç Savall I can run all the way. It was good to know from the other two times I ran here that this part seems endless. From time to time you can see the lights of the village, but it takes a long time before really turning the last corner and actually arrive at the aidstation. But with the knowledge of other years I just enjoy running along and just before 22h I arrive at the aidstation and take a bit more time to eat and drink and prepare, since the next aidstation is quite some time ahead.

The first two times Checkpoint 5 at Pista del Dalmau would take ages to get to. Not this time, I left St. Llorenç Savall feeling tired but furthermore quite ok and I ran every flat and downhill part with an easy shuffle and this time get to the checkpoint just when I think it was about time to get there.

Next is one of the longer and steeper climbs. but before that we have to cross "Les Arenas" a kind of creek with little water and lots of stones and vegetation. Then we go higher up and well above follow the road that leads to St. Llorenç Savall for a while. This part is mostly flat and runnable until the real climb starts. And then I notice that actually I am rather tired. Normally I can push the uphills, but not this time. It took quite a while to get to Checkpoint 6 at Torrent de les Saleras. I was still going just about as fast as 5 years ago, but this climb took a lot out of me.

Just after checkpoint 6 the uphill continues a bit more along a rather stony path and then a short downhill follows with quite difficult footing before easing into a more runnable wide path. Eventhough the next aidstation in Matadepera at Camí Moliner was not so far away it took me longer than I expected to get there. Once again a few minutes of rest while eating and drinking before continuing to the most technical part.

The uphill to the next checkpoint is more easy since it alternates more between going up and going more or less flat. I am able to more or less follow a group of runners that do the same as I do, run the flat part and walk the climbs. Being a shorter climb arriving at Checkpoint 7 at Coll del Queixal does not take too long.

The downhill that follows afterwards is very technical and steep. It is full of parts where you have to jump down and carefully place your feet in order to not twist your ankles. When I get to Checkpoint 8 at Les Vendranes I know that the worst is done, but I am also very tired and have to walk on otherwise runnable parts.

The last big aidstation before the finish is in Vacarisses, since I am tired I fill my bottles and my waterbag in order to not run out of water and after eating a bit, quickly continue.

Most part of this section is on asphalt which is more easy for the feet. I continue to be tired and walk most of the time, from time to time doing 5 minutes of easy pace running. Just before arriving at
Checkpoint 9 Carena Hostal de la Creu there is a sudden change of direction that you really have to know about otherwise you miss it. I was tired, and was lucky another runner warned me, when I already passed that point.

Next is another very technical downhill but shorter this time and soon I am near the bottom of the valley. Shortly after I was entering the village of Monistrol de Montserrat. One more tough uphill left to the finish.

The first part of the uphill consists of a zig-zag more or less straight up the mountain with a lot of scrambling if you were as tired as I was. After a while I arrived at "La pista de l'Aigua" , a broad path that only goes up slightly and soon after I am at Checkpoint 10 a bit less than half way up to the Monastery of Montserrat

The final part is once again scambling up mixed with walking a more or less flat narrow path. Those who arrived with energy left could easily run here, but that was not my case. Finally we arrived at a part where waterpipes come straight downhill and we go up more or less along side climbing stairs or the steep path. When I arrived at the final stairs really near the Monastery I knew this one was in the pocket.

Soon I was at the finish at the main square in front of the church at the Montserrat Monastery. Very tired, most of all in my lower legs, but very happy and feeling good in the head. There is still a lot to be learned and to train in different ways, but that is for the months to come. for now, time to recover!!

It took me 13 hours and 40 minutes this time, which with the correction for being a slightly longer course would mean being some 35 minutes slower than the last two times I did the Matagalls Montserrat. I think lack of specific mountain run training is the main reason for that. Maybe next year I will try again with different training!!!

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Ultra Trail Emmona - 110k

This is the second ultra I did not finish, but this time I am not really disappointed. I gave it all I had, enjoyed it a lot, untill hours of very cold and hard wind made me decide that for my health it was better to end the adventure before finishing.

Check out this video for more impressions!!!

After leaving around 4h15 in the morning from Ribes de Freser where I was staying in a bungalow with my family I drove to Sant Joan de les Abadesses. I was lucky enough to find a place to park right away and soon was on my way to pick up my bib number.

Sant Joan is a really nice old village in the Pyrenees with many historical buildings, and in one of them they had us picking up our numbers and outside a bag with merchandize and the dropbag we would pick up at two thirds of the race.

After the regular preparations we were "warmed up" by great music and just after six o'clock in the smoke of many firecrackers we were shot counted down to the start. After leaving the village by the old bridge we soon left the urban area and entered a nice forest and started our first ascent. Most part of up to the first check point was quite runnable though we were climbing fast and soon were high enough to great the sun.


At the first checkpoint I quickly ate some fruit and continued.

First checkpoint

Next was the steeper part of the first ascent. Soon we were out of the forest and climbing slowly in a long line of runners, or hikers at this point.

Climbing Puig Estela (2013m)

Without to much effort I reached the summit and after a first easy downhill part we encountered a really really steep kind of meadow where we had to go down.

At the top of Puig Estela

It was still early morning and the grass was slippery. Luckily there were not too many stones here so the unavoidable falls did not hurt too much, only made us slow down even more to keep our footing.


After a while the downhill was becoming more easy and then we were back on trails and advancing fast to the next checkpoint in a little village called Pardines.

Check 3 at Pardines

Once again I ate some fruit and refilled my bottles and soon was on my way again to continue with a longer and steeper ascent than the first one.

Serra de la Canya

Somewhere halfway between Pardines and Coll de la Marrana, the fourth checkpoint is set up. Once again only a short stop to eat and refill. I am still feeling ok, though already feeling the 2000 meters we have been climbing so far. A bit more than 6000 meters of climbing to go.

The morning was very bright and gave spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and valleys!!!

The first patches of snow. Soon we would cross one. Somewhere here we have to pass a rather inclined part where I loose my footing for a second and in the slip bump and cut my knee. Luckily it was nothing to worry about and after 20 meters of walking slow and rubbing my knee I continue running whenever I can.

Before starting the final ascent to the second highest mountain of the race, we enter a long valley where the river Freser is born. Here I am starting to feel tired and eventhough it is going slowly downhill and the path is runnable from time to time I walk more often to rest for the climb to come.

The valley is very very nice!!!

Then the real climb starts, going up really steep!!!

About half way we pass the next checkpoint, Coll de la Marana. It is colder here and I put on my windstopper. After eating, drinking and refilling I continue to what is said to be the most difficult part of the race.

Coll de la Marrana

The first of the summits of the ridge we will be following is the Bastiments (2881m). It is the second highest of the whole course. Mainly the whole range is a pile of stones at some parts filled up in between so there is some sort of path. The going is very irregular, you have to take good care of each step and also very steep and once up we can see most of the range we will go along up and down for next few hours.

At the top of Bastiments (2881m)

A "selfie" at the top of Bastiments

For hours at best the path will be like this

Following the ridge to Pic del Freser (2835m)

Pic de l'Infern (2869m)

Breathtaking views

The descent to Vall de Nuria is slightly better, at some parts flat at other parts steep and stony, but I am rather tired and I walk most of this downhill.

Descent to Vall de Nuria

Down in the valley my family is waiting for me. Jordi was scouting and as soon as we met he sprinted back to warn Montse and Emma who were ready to make pictures. I really appreciated them being there, though it did not really show, since I was tired and needed a break and rest and eat. Also bearing in mind that the highest mountain was still to come.

Arrival at Vall de Nuria where my Super Support Team is waiting for me!!!

Tired ... time for a good rest and eating and drinking with my family!!!

Checkpoint before Puig de Finestrelles (2829m)

Vall de Nuria from the other side

Every time we reach a summit there is yet another one to climb

Finally the Puigmal (2914m) in direct sight

Eventhough the pictures look nice and sunny at this point it is very windy and rather cold up there. I am advancing slowly, though happy now to be more and more near the summit of Puigmal. By the time I get to the top, the wind has picked up in force and it is freezing cold. I tried to make a picture but my hands are too cold to get that done and it is not a place to stay for long. The downhill from there to the next aid-station and checkpoint is only 5 kilometers, but it is steep down and were others can run I can only walk and as such I advance little and am exposed for quite a while to the wind that picks up in force even more and becomes colder and colder as the sun sets. By the time the checkpoint is near I decide that it is better for me to abandon the race here. I can endure a lot, but under circumstances I prefer to conquer this course some other time. I do not regret anything, it is an amazing race and you really have to be in good shape and distribute your energy well and also have experience at these altitudes and with this terrain.