I made a video of the first part of the race and continued with the pictures below:
Video UTSM 2013
The race started just a few minutes after 9 am and I was determined to start easy this time. I did place myself in the first pack in order to not get caught up in any traffic jams in the early stages. At the first control, Albarca, after about 7k we did have to stop for a few minutes since scanning our chips with the LiveTrail system was not going fluid there. After drinking some water I continued to the first climb. Once again, taking it easy just walking up and running the almost flat parts. So far it was warm but cloudy with the sun peeking through the clouds from time to time.
Last part of the first uphill
Cornudella de Montsant
Once on the top we could enjoy a great part of the race that passes just along the edge of a mountain range and later on more on the crest, with a few easy climbs. And before we knew it the downhill onto the next timed control started. The last time I had a hard time on this steep stony trail, but this
time I went down easy and soon we were approaching Ulldemolins clocking about 2 hours for 18,6k, way faster than I expected. I took time to drink a lot of water since it was very humid and I was sweating quite heavily and also ate some pieces of banana.
Checkpoint in Ulldemolins
From there to the next checkpoint is a really nice up and down trail through a narrow valley. Two years ago I had a hard time here and walked, but this year I could run almost all 20k and after 5 hours I arrived in Margalef, where I quickly refilled my water reserves. Even though it was still partially cloudy it was warm and hydrating was crucial today.
Margalef checkpoint seen from above
I continued more easy, walking for a while and eating and drinking. On to the next checkpoint, La Bisbal de Falset, was only 5k and I took it easy and did this part in 50 minutes knowing that afterwards a long climb would start.
La Bisbal de Falset
The uphill has flatter runnable parts, but I still take it easy. After all we were only half way and I did not want to burn my self out. In the last part of the uphill to a point called Mas del Serrador a group formed and we continued together upto the highest point. We rested for 5 minutes and I talked to a runner called Victor exchanging experiences. The first part downhill is flat and I let the others go. Much to my suprise I catch up with them in the steeper part. I refill a bottle of water in a fountain near a small hermitage and from there onwards the downhill is on asphalt, which was more easy on the feet after many kilometers of stony trails.
After just over 8 hours I entered Cabacés, at 57k, where there was a lot to eat and drink. I took some more time here eating pasta and banana, drinking Coca Cola and refill my water reserves. Still,, afterwards, I think I did not drink enough here.
Checkpoint Cabacés
After a third call home I left this village enjoying the views under the late afternoon sun of the next village we had to go to high up the hills on the horizon. The first part went over wide rather easy trails, but I was getting tired and I did run, but slower with 30 second breaks every 5 minutes.
The last part goes uphill steeply, but is also very nice winding through the forest and once on top passing to the other side we can already see La Figuera being much more near now.
La Figuera
Cabacés far away now
After being on the move for 9 hours and 40 minutes I arrived in La Figuera. I did not rest here, and walked the flat part to save energy for the steep downhill to come.
Evening sun on cemetery La Figuera
The downhill to Vilella Baja is going quite ok and soon I am entering this small village though the last uphill to the checkpoint crossing a nice old stone bridge was taking a lot of energy out of me.
Vilella Baixa and behind Vilella Alta
I refill water here and struggle a bit with putting the waterbag back into my backpack. It was also time to put on the headlamp and the red backlight. And on we went. Just outside the village I tried to eat something and all of a sudden I had to throw up. I was not feeling too bad afterwards, but loosing all the liquids in my stomach was certainly not good. I could drink water, so I sipped small quantities often. Meanwhile walking onwards and entering Vilella Alta still feeling quite ok, eventhough the long and steep uphill leading up to the village was really draining for me. After the checkpoint I sat down for a while. The loss of liquids and lack of sugar was starting to take its toll. The next 5 kilometers to Escaladei I struggled a lot, walking slowed down to what felt like a crawl and the head was no longer in favor. Just before arriving at Escaladei, Victor catched up and I told him I was not at all feeling well and maybe had to abandon. He continued running at easy pace and I stumbled onwards and around 22h I phone home to explain how I was feeling and that I would take a long rest here to see how I recovered. Both my family and other runners cheered me up and encouraged me to take my time but continue. I had massage for my legs and after drinking and eating enough I continued my journey to the longest and at some part very steep uphill of the race.
One of the narrow passes in between rocks
During the uphill I walk along with Toni and Paco and while I could keep up in the beginning in the flatter part once on top my left knee starts to hurt a bit and every 5 minutes I have to run 20 meters to not fall behind. Since navigating here is a bit difficult at night, since it was rather misty here I forced myself to follow untill we started the downhill. The downhill to Morera de Montsant goes quite ok, but after a small break taking of my windjacket and just resting a bit I continued for the last 8km of several hills we had to go up and down approaching the finish. My left knee is slowing me down more and more but still I make it to improve on my time of 2 years ago and finish in 19h04m.
In the aftermath of the race I learned a lot, among others that have to learn to hydrate better and that going easy in the beginning will have to feel really easy otherwise I still run too fast.