A great race today and yesterday!!! Not only finishing, but improving more than an hour and a half on last years time, in spite of the heat and finishing in 19h27m55s.
Saturday morning at 5h30 Andrés picked me up in Barcelona and we arrived just before seven o' clock in Berga. We changed into our running gear and lined up for the bus that would bring us to Queralbs. The first part of the ride had a lot of curves and made me slightly car sick, but once on the mountain-train up to Vall de Nuria that soon withered away and up in the valley we started to prepare for our run. We had plenty of time for a warm drink and chatting with other runners before we entered the start area. Andrés and I wished eachother good luck and at 11 am the bells of the monastery signalled the start of the race.
The first part of the race is rather flat and I maintained good pace to avoid the congestion on the narrow trail. Soon there was plenty of room to run at your own pace and enjoy the magnificent landscape.
After about an hour of running the first Control could be seen way down below.
and shortly after Olga Manko and a group of runners pass me in the steep downhill that takes us there.
I quickly check and pick up some watermelon and continue to the first serious uphill to "el Coll dels Lladres".
The way up in the beginning follows a creek and is rather wet, but beautiful.
This time I had more strength in the uphill and one hour later I was already at the highest point. The slightly downhill part onto the next Control went by quickly.
At many places alongside the trail we encountered horses and cows.
The downhill to La Molina didn't go as smooth as last year and when arriving at the trainstation of this little town where the next Control was set up I took my time to eat some pasta and fruit and drink "gazpacho".I also felt a blister coming up under my left big toe so I put a patch of compeed in place to stop it from becoming worse.
Eventhough I did not run the flatter part of the uphill to Coll de Pal, once again the climbing was going very well and soon the sunlight reflected by the cars parked on top indicated the end of the second long uphill.
From there to the next Control was a more easy part and I ran most of it. In the middle a suprise control was set up and after running through meadows with many cows I arrived at the fourth Control that was put up at Refugi El Rebost. Here it was time to cool my head and fill up my camelback and water bottles.

Some minutes after leaving this control I was no longer sure to really have checked so I went back to do so and continue the race without any doubts, since not checking disqualifies you right away. After a short uphill the downhill to Baga started. This part is very technical and once again I did not feel at ease going down. In the end I tried to swallow an energy gel, but it came right back out again, so after passing the second surprise control I walked down to Baga knowing that once again I needed a good rest and I decided to try Coca Cola, since earlier race experiences teached me that could help. After that I lined up for having my feet checked by the people of Podopie. The compeed patch covered the blistered well and after a quick massage I put my running shoes back on again and left for Gisclareny.
The first part is very steep and last year I had a very low moment here, but not this time, it is probably the part I walked and ran best.
After the first uphill a flatter part leads up to this house. Next we go into to a dense forest and there
I start passing many runners. I prepared this part mentally very well, and knew that once out of the dense part a much easier trail would follow, where the only thing to keep in mind was that it is a long time of slightly up and down.
Soon I see the famous mountain "Pedraforca" towering above the other mountains.
I arrive at the Control in Gisclareny in pretty good shape, much better than last year. The only thing was that once again eating was a problem. I tried a ham-sandwich, but it came right out again, and here there was no bar to go for a Coca Cola so I had to hope for having enough energy left in my system to make it to Saldes. After refilling the camelback and waterbottles and preparing for sunset taking out the red backlight and my headlamp I set of.
The Pedraforca more and more dominated the landscape and with the sun going down gave us some beautiful moments in nature.
Soon after I run into a group of runners that is preparing for the night putting on headlamps and meanwhile taking care of sore legs with Reflex. They kindly share with everyone so I spray my ankles and knees, eventhough all is holding out pretty well so far. Very soon it becomes dark and I can enjoy my new and much more potent headlamp to find my way on the complicated downhill along a narrow stony trail. My goal initially was to make it this far before sunset, also because of the bottom part of this stretch where we run through a creek, but for that I have to become better in running downhills. Still, at night, in spite of being a hard part, it is enjoyable to run along and through the creek. One of the fellow runners even takes a break and makes good use of the cold water.

The rest of the group went on while I took pictures and waited for him. Together we ran the flat part of the valley and started the climb uphill to Saldes. The climbing itself went quite ok, but once on top I feel very tired and the flat part that leads to Saldes I take it very easy.
In the bar near the checkpoint I take another Coca Cola and buy a can extra since during the rest of the race we no longer really enter any populated areas. When leaving for the last big climb and very tough downhill another runner, Miquel, leaves as well and as we go at the same pace we team up. The first part up to the next control in Parc de Palomera he leads most of the way. The people at this checkpoint are very cheerfull and another runner who already knows them asks for the "skull" and yes, they made it this year as well. Also they had Coca Cola so I saved my can for later on.

And on we went to finish the last uphill, this time I lead the way up. Once we where climbing above tree level the wind picked up and with the wind moving the signs that indicated the trail it was very hard to see them. It was more easy to hear them when a wind gust made them move more vigorously. At the highest point I put on my jacket and on we go in search of the point where the downhill begins. We expect another surprise control but see no one. It takes longer than expected to get to the point where the downhill starts and eventhough I like it more than the way we took last year it still is a very very hard part and every step down is draining energy and from time to time it is hard to stay on my feet. From time to time we see the lights of the next checkpoint coming closer and getting there is great since from here on things will be easier.

So after a refill of Coca Cola we continue and after five minutes of
walking we start running again. We pass a tunnel and then walk a long
and winding trail up through the forest where the ground is covered with
dead leaves. This must be a very beautiful trail by daylight. When we finally leave the woods we pass a field with cows
whos eyes blink in the light of our headlamps. We come along another runner and continue the three of us, with Miquel always slightly ahead. We pass another open field where some noisy teenagers that enjoy a night out in the wild camping. Soon we arrive at Espinalbet and some minutes later we hear the bell for the last Control.

Since in the last kilometers Miquel was running away from me and another runner I proposed him to do the last part at his own pace. The other runner, Mohamed, explained that only ten months ago he started training from scratch for this Ultra, so hats of for completing his first one within 20 hours!!! Soon after him we left too, and in the climb we picked up another runner. At the top they said they felt it was better I continued at my own pace too, and since I felt good I picked up speed and ran almost all of the trail that leads to the Queralt monastery. At some point I can see Berga underneath us.

When I arrive at the stairs down to Berga from the Queralt Monastery there is enough light already to switch of the headlamp. The first part which is more regular I am going down quickly but the more I approach Berga the more irregular and difficult it becomes to maintain pace, when I am down finally I first sit down to take out a bunch of little stones from my running shoes. Then I jog down the streets to the finish being very happy with how the race had gone.
Meanwhile Andrés was running his race and still had some kilometers ahead. While waiting it was a pleasure to see many people arrive whom I had shared some part of the race with. And almost by surprise all of sudden Andrés comes down the last stairs and finishes in 22h22m and happy with his performance too!
Thanks too all, organization, volunteers and fellow runners, for taking care of the different aspects of this adventure that make it fun and possible to do.